Nancy Rose

Qigong Instructor

Bachelors of Science Degree in Biology from Laurentian University
Certified Qigong Instructor by Satori Method in the Flow Form and GM/GE Qigong

Classes: Qigong
  • Certified Life-Force Coach by Satori Method
  • Black Belt level of achievement by Satori Method
  • Advanced Certification in Mindfulness Based NeuroCoaching by Mark Waldman
  • Certified in Return to Wholeness Coaching Process™ by Glenda Johnson
  • Neurolinguistic Programming Master Practitioner and Trainer
  • Hypnosis Master Practitioner
  • Timeline Therapy™

Nancy believes everyone has unique gifts meant to make a difference. After a back injury in 2008, she delved into understanding the mind-body connection. Discovering Qigong during her healing journey completely changed Nancy’s life. It boosted her energy and gave her a new mission. Now, Nancy’s passionate about guiding others to unlock their Life-Force Energy and live their life’s purpose. She’s dedicated to helping people live authentically and embrace their inner vitality.

Favourite Movement

Unifying Heaven & Earth

Favourite Quote

“Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.”
– T. Harv Eker

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